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Heart & Metabolic Diseases | Internal Medicine 
Heart & Metabolic Diseases | Internal Medicine  

Pfizer is dedicated to researching and developing treatment and targeted therapy to treat, slow, or prevent various heart diseases and metabolic abnormalities that are common in Hong Kong. We are constantly developing new strategies to prevent disease progression and improve the quality of life for patients with obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular (CV) and kidney diseases. 

For more than 50 years, Pfizer has led the way in redefining the management of cardiovascular risk by bringing much-needed treatments to patients. 

Today, Pfizer is focused on investigating potential therapies that treat both the metabolic abnormalities that increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and the heart itself by trying to alter the way it responds to the abnormal metabolic state. This includes more targeted potential therapies, as well as possible therapies that are a combination of two or more drugs, which could bring additional benefits to patients.

Our early discovery efforts focus on emerging areas of CV research such as control of eating disorders, type 2 diabetes/muscle uptake of glucose and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease/non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. 

Heart Diseases and Therapy in Hong Kong

According to statistics published by the Department of Health’s Centre for Health Production, heart diseases claimed about 71,300 inpatient discharges and inpatient deaths in all hospitals in Hong Kong in 2020. Heart diseases also registered 6,561 deaths, accounting for 13.0% of all deaths in Hong Kong that year. Coronary heart disease made up 58.8% of all heart diseases deaths, and men in Hong Kong have a significantly higher chance of developing heart diseases than women¹. 

As our city continues to age, these insights on heart diseases and therapy in Hong Kong signify a potential burden to our healthcare system. Heart disease is a prominent health issue in our city that we must deal with attentively.

Metabolic Abnormalities and Diseases in Hong Kong

Metabolic abnormalities and diseases also pose a potential burden for Hong Kong’s healthcare system, as they can significantly increase a patient’s risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes². Pfizer continues to research and improve existing medicines for the treatment and therapy of these common metabolic abnormalities and diseases in Hong Kong.  

Official government numbers indicate that 27% of Hong Kong's population over the age of 15 suffer from high blood pressure. People between the age of 65 to 84 are also at a higher risk of suffering from high blood pressure and other metabolic disorders³. The abundance of treatment and medicine for metabolic abnormalities and diseases in Hong Kong means we should encourage patients to seek diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible and prevent them from developing heart diseases. 

Throughout the years, Pfizer has always remained committed to taking a leading role in internal medicine development and enhancing targeted therapy for patients in Hong Kong. We also understand the importance of public awareness on health issues and its importance for the general public to take an active role in disease prevention. Through partnering and collaborating with local organizations and stakeholders, we strive to make Pfizer's educational and medical resources easily accessible to everyone in Hong Kong. 

  1. Heart Diseases. Available at: https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/healthtopics/content/25/57.html. Last accessed May 2022. 

  2. Metabolic Syndrome. Available at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/metabolic-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20351916. Last accessed May 2022. 

  3. Hypertension. Available at: https://www.elderly.gov.hk/english/health_information/hypertension_heart_disease/hypertension.html. Last accessed May 2022.